


模块化设计的注意事项, 多户型项目, 包括前期设计要点, 建筑类型, 单元设计要素, 模vs. 传统的布局


While the benefits of modular construction are fairly well known, 模块化设计与模块化设计的区别. traditional 多户型项目 tend to be less understood. One of the most critical aspects is early (and ongoing) engagement among key project team members. 就像大型木结构建筑一样, modular projects require a greater degree of collaboration among the designer, 制造商及总承包商. Involving the manufacturer and GC early is essential to achieving efficiencies in design, 组装, 和安装.


The following pre-design rules of thumb can contribute to a better, 更高效的设计,更成功的项目.

  • Design should not begin before a factory (or a DfMA* consultant) has been engaged. Modular manufacturers each have unique capabilities and efficiencies, 哪些转换成不同的模块大小, 布局, 连接细节, installation requirements and transportation limitations (including those influenced by the factory location). Designing a modular project without manufacturer input will likely mean re-doing work once they’re brought on board.

  • A site contractor should be selected early in design (after initial feasibility work)—and it’s hugely beneficial if they have experience in off-site manufacturing in the same state as the current project. There will be unique constraints related to (among other things) on-site module storage, 起重机的位置和到达, 需要封闭街道/公共通道, 架空工作限制, 模块交付时间表, 处理, 等. A project will be more successful with a contractor who understands these factors.

  • 经验丰富的设计团队也很重要, 如果不是这样的话, it may be useful to engage a modular consultant to help with the learning curve and mitigate risk. The processes for modular project design and engineering, 包括结构, 机械, 还有电气工程, 与传统项目中使用的不同吗. Experienced consultants can provide more efficient designs, work more creatively within the constraints of the selected manufacturer’s capabilities, and keep the unique aspects of modular construction in mind as the project develops. 例如, architects should be capable of designing with a component mindset, 理解什么是预先安装在模块vs. 现场安装, 如何在现场进行连接, and how to communicate these details to the manufacturer, GC, 和分包商. They should also be aware of other unique aspects of modular design, 如运输和安装装载, 以及工厂内和现场检查的需要. Project 工程师 should be familiar with factory 组装 methods and must be licensed both in the state where the modules are being manufactured and where the project is being built.

  • 决策必须在过程的早期做出. 一旦模块化设计完成, there is no room for value engineering without additional cost and time. 在开始设计之前做过任何研究吗. Communicate early and often with the owner regarding design decision deadlines, and help them understand why it is important to not alter those decisions later. 例如, it would be important to know that floor finishes were being installed in modules while rebar was being tied in foundation walls on site, 并进行相应的协调. This requires a substantial shift in mindset for designers used to traditional projects. 修改单元布局时更改订单, 不同的材料饰面, or other significant interior changes not only cause construction days and add costs, they negate much of the benefits of using modular in the first place and may result in a more expensive project.

It cannot be overstated that failure to take these upfront steps can lead to increased costs and longer schedules, 并可能降低项目的质量.


These design considerations apply to most multi-family, modular projects.

材料 – Light wood-frame construction has become increasingly predominant for low- and mid-rise modular projects, 包括成本在内的驱动因素, 材料的可用性, 和可持续性. Engineered wood products and wood joists are also used for floor and ceiling framing, but check with the factory and structural engineer to see if these options are available.

建筑类型 – Light-frame wood modules can meet Type III or Type V construction requirements as defined in the IBC, 并且可以建在五层以上, 取决于地方和州的管辖权.

  • Type V construction allows the use of wood framing throughout the structure. These projects can be up to four stories and 70 feet in height for multi-family and hospitality occupancies with a fully sprinklered design.
  • Type III construction allows the use of wood framing for all interior elements, 外墙用阻燃木材. These projects can be up to five stories and 85 feet if fully sprinklered.

与传统的轻型木结构项目一样, many Type III and V modular projects are built on top of single or multi-story Type I-A podiums. However, they can also be built on foundation walls or piers. 在开始设计之前, always check for local building code amendments or other items that might impact the project configuration.

典型的维度 – While manufacturers vary in their offerings, projects are often designed with these dimensions:

  • Floor-to-floor heights are designed at nominally 11 ft to achieve a 9-ft clear ceiling dimension.
  • For interior walls, the act of stacking modules creates a double stud condition. 允许大约2英寸. 模块壁之间的设置公差.
  • Exterior module walls are typically made from 2×6 studs; interior and mate line walls are typically made from 2x4s (except at wet walls where added depth is needed for plumbing).
  • Floor structures are typically made from 2x10s and ceiling joists from 2x8s.

运输 – Module size constraints are dependent on transportation restrictions between the factory and jobsite. 每个州都不一样, so regulations should be considered early in the design as it can increase the cost significantly if modules require extraordinary transportation logistics. Map a start-to-finish route to determine the optimal transportation path and identify pinch points that could cause delays or issues during transport. Delays in transportation cause installation delays, which impact completion dates. To fully leverage the advantages of modular construction, plan to begin the on-site install immediately following foundation work.

模块尺寸 The typical module shipping size in most areas is 15 ft x 74 ft or less. While larger sizes may be possible, a maximum module size of 14-ft-11-in. x 70 ft is recommended to avoid high transportation costs or create conditions that lead to inefficiencies at the factory. Optimal module sizes are also determined by the factory, which may have its own best practice dimensions that optimize efficiencies and provide the highest cost-to-value ratio for clients.

材料 规格 – While the manufacturer may have preferred vendors and national accounts for products, you can use the same materials for a modular project built in the factory as any other light-frame wood project. However, you won’t be choosing materials from a catalog. Discuss the desired materials with the manufacturer to ensure they don’t cause procurement or cost challenges.

轴和. 追逐 – The use of shafts or 追逐 needs to be decided early in design. Shafts that connect four or more stories require a 2-hour fire-resistance rating (FRR), and are typically installed vertically throughout the entire height of the building. 追逐, 通常需要1小时的FRR, but have continuity requirements and need to be isolated at each floor line. Both shafts and 追逐 should be located directly adjacent to a corridor to allow for common distribution of services.

潮湿地区的位置 – When practical, group spaces with water and/or waste together in the same module to minimize cost. Cross-module connections can be complicated, adding material cost and complexity.

贴墙 – Modules should be designed and built in a way that accounts for transportation impacts. 例如, add furring walls to plumbing areas to avoid notching studs, which can negatively affect the stability of walls during transport.

绝缘和防火安全 – Modular projects must meet all local building, fire, and energy codes. 设计必须容纳洒水装置, 火灾报警器和绝缘装置, 这些服务必须在工厂中添加. 在项目设置完成后不能添加.

模块化和. 传统单位布局

Modular units for 多户型项目 have many different 布局, but the most efficient and common is a cross-corridor configuration. This is similar to a traditional layout in a site-built project, 但是有细微的差别, 如:

  • Shafts and 追逐 should be accessible from the common corridor, 楼层间的连接在哪里. Since the modules arrive with the units fully finished, it’s important to keep construction trades out of the units when making these connections.
  • 厨房和浴室沿着走廊的墙壁布置, then add a plumbing furring wall to maintain the STC rating for the unit and protect the module during transport.

Compare a modular unit layout with a traditional unit layout:

虽然这些单位的布局不一样, you can see how the 追逐 and wet areas are accessible to the corridor in the drawing on the left, and how the connections of the modular unit simplify the 组装 and 关闭-up process.


A modular project doesn’t have to have a cookie cutter design. 有许多有吸引力的模块化方法, and design restraints often provide opportunities for creative solutions. 以确保项目的成功, understand the differences between modular and traditional approaches, 要知道沟通和协作是关键.

由Matt Laase, Jackson贡献|Main 架构师ure
